Free Christian Thinking Of You Greeting Card Verses
Thinking of You Messages For Cards, Crafts, Scrapbooks & Giftware
Looking for Thinking of You Card Wishes With a Christian Sentiment?
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Thinking Of You Poems & Verses, Quotes & Sayings and Thinking Of You Greetings & Messages
For Card Making, Scrapbooks & Crafts
In this section, I have a
selection of Free Christian 'Thinking Of You' Card Verses and Messages—for non-commercial use.
These Poems are free to use when you don't know what to write in your homemade thinking of you cards and
you're looking for Christian Wording that will complement your card making, ecards to let others know you're
thinking of them, scrapbooks or for any other craft project - provided you abide by the 'Terms of Use'. |
I have added the same verses 'rewritten' with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can choose the verse that they like - whichever is applicable. I also ask that none of the words of these verses be changed. They are all free for you to use, but must remain as I have written them.
By using these Thinking of You Greetings, you signify that you have read & agreed to my 'Terms Of Use'. Thank You!
To Print Greeting: highlight the greeting you want, then right click and select "print"
I just wanted to let you know
I've been thinking of you,
Wondering how you have been
And praying for you too
I want you to always remember,
No matter what you face,
To look to God when it gets tough
And keep walking in His grace.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Today, you've been on my mind
So I thought I'd get in touch
I'm praying that all is going well
For I haven't seen you much
I know our lives can get so busy
With all that we must do,
But I wanted to take this time to say
I'm thinking of you too.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Just thought I'd let you know
I've been thinking of you
So I thought I'd brighten up your day
And bring a smile to you
Praying God will touch your life
In a more meaningful way
And that you'll feel the warmth of God,
Today and every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We wanted to let you know
We're thinking of you today,
Wondering how you are doing
Since we have moved away
We pray the Lord will bless you
And guide each precious step
Although we've gone our separate ways,
Your love, we'll not forget.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You've been on my mind today
So I wanted you to know,
You're such a special friend to me
Those times when I've been low
I pray that God will touch you
In a very special way
And that you'll feel His presence,
More and more each day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Just wanted to say, "Hello"
And let you know I'm here
For I've been thinking of you, my friend
And have lifted you in prayer
I want to just encourage you
To always trust the Lord
For no matter what you're going through,
His love is so much more.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Been thinking of you today
Wondering how you are,
Though distance separates us,
You're always in my heart
I pray that you will always know
How much you mean to me
And that the Lord loves you so
And He's all you'll ever need.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We've been thinking about you
So thought we'd bless your day
And let you know you're special to us
In so many different ways
We pray God's blessings upon you
And that you'll feel Him near,
Knowing God is by your side
And knowing that we care.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I just thought I'd drop a line
To let you know I care,
For you've been on my mind today
And I wanted to say I'm here
If you ever need a friend
To share what's on your mind,
Don't hesitate to call on me,
For I'll always have the time.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We've been thinking of you
And want to send our love
And tell you we are praying for you,
For we know it can be tough
You are often in our thoughts
And will be, until you're home
So remember this on dismal days
When you feel you're all alone.
© By M.S.Lowndes
As we turn our thoughts to you,
We send our love and prayers,
To let you know we're thinking of you
And to show you that we care
Though you're far away from home,
You're close to our hearts
And there we keep you, day and night,
So we are not apart.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We're thinking of you today
And praying God's blessings come your way…
Even when distance lies between us
And precious time slips away,
We remember you before the Lord
And pray He'll bless your day—
For we think so often about you
And wonder how you are—
You have always been so close to us,
In our thoughts and in our hearts.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You are always in my thoughts
As I lift you in prayer...
I often think of you
And pray God's hand extends
To bless you more abundantly—
And I pray you'll know God's grace
And His presence even more
Wherever you may go—
For you're ever so near to me,
In my thoughts each day
And each day in my prayers
© By M.S.Lowndes

The verses below are the same as above, but rewritten with the "I", "We", "Us" and "Me" changed, so individuals or groups can send the verse that they like - whichever is applicable.
We just wanted to let you know
We've been thinking of you,
Wondering how you have been
And praying for you too
We want you to always remember,
No matter what you face,
To look to God when it gets tough
And keep walking in His grace.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Today, you've been on our minds
So we thought we'd get in touch
We're praying that all is going well,
For we haven't seen you much
We know our lives can get so busy
With all that we must do,
But we wanted to take this time to say
We're thinking of you too.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Just thought we'd let you know
We've been thinking of you
So we thought we'd brighten up your day
And bring a smile to you
Praying God will touch your life
In a more meaningful way
And that you'll feel the warmth of God,
Today and every day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I wanted to let you know
I'm thinking of you today,
Wondering how you are doing
Since I have moved away
I pray the Lord will bless you
And guide each precious step
Although we've gone our separate ways,
Your love, I'll not forget.
© By M.S.Lowndes

You've been on our minds today
So we wanted you to know,
You're such a special friend to us
Those times when we've been low
We pray that God will touch you
In a very special way
And that you'll feel His presence,
More and more each day.
© By M.S.Lowndes
Just wanted to say, "Hello"
And let you know we're here
For we've been thinking of you, our friend
And have lifted you in prayer
We want to just encourage you
To always trust the Lord
For no matter what you're going through,
His love is so much more.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We've been thinking of you today,
Wondering how you are,
Though distance separates us,
You're always in our hearts
We pray that you will always know
How much you mean to us
And that the Lord loves you so
And deserves your total trust.
© By M.S.Lowndes
I've been thinking about you
So thought I'd bless your day
And let you know you're special to me
In so many different ways
I pray God's blessings upon you
And that you'll feel Him near,
Knowing God is by your side
And knowing that I care.
© By M.S.Lowndes
We just thought we'd drop a line
To let you know we care,
For you've been on our minds today
And we wanted to say we're here
If you ever need a friend
To share what's on your mind,
Don't hesitate to call on us,
For we'll always have the time.
© By M.S.Lowndes

I've been thinking of you
And want to send my love
And tell you I am praying for you,
For I know it can be tough
You are often in my thoughts
And will be, until you're home
So remember this on dismal days
When you feel you're all alone.
© By M.S.Lowndes

As I turn my thoughts to you,
I send my love and prayers,
To let you know I'm thinking of you
And to show you that I care
Though you're far away from home,
You're close to my heart
And there I keep you, day and night,
So we are not apart.
© By M.S.Lowndes

I'm thinking of you today
And praying God's blessings come your way…
Even when distance lies between us
And precious time slips away,
I remember you before the Lord
And pray He'll bless your day—
For I think so often about you
And wonder how you are—
You have always been so close to me,
In my thoughts and in my heart.
© By M.S.Lowndes
You are always in our thoughts
As we lift you in prayer...
We often think of you
And pray God's hand extends
To bless you more abundantly—
And we pray you'll know God's grace
And His presence even more
Wherever you may go—
For you're ever so near to us,
In our thoughts each day
And each day in our prayers.
© By M.S.Lowndes
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